“If you want something from an audience, you give blood to their fantasies. It’s the ultimate hustle.” – Marlon Brando… The August Sons “I Am Not A Vampyre” 12″ EP (Eyes In the Woods Records, US, 1989)

Context is a funny thing. I cook food for a living in a “research & development” capacity and one of my biggest pet peeves is when I’m working on something and I’m looking for honest feedback and I hand something…

“An original artist is unable to copy. So he has only to copy in order to be original.” – Jean Cocteau… Gil Mellé “The Andromeda Strain” (Original Electronic Soundtrack, Kapp Records, US, 1971)

According to my Instagram feed yesterday, Saturday August, 29, 2020, was the 13th annual “Record Store Day”. Originally scheduled for a date in April 2020, the “holiday” was first postponed until June 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, before being…