“If you want something from an audience, you give blood to their fantasies. It’s the ultimate hustle.” – Marlon Brando… The August Sons “I Am Not A Vampyre” 12″ EP (Eyes In the Woods Records, US, 1989)

Context is a funny thing. I cook food for a living in a “research & development” capacity and one of my biggest pet peeves is when I’m working on something and I’m looking for honest feedback and I hand something…

“We are put on this earth to have a good time. This makes other people feel good. And the cycle continues.” – Wolfman Jack… Capers “Dregs” LP (Förlag För Fri Musik, Sweden, 2018)

I don’t know what took me so long to finally get around to listening to the MERZCAST (now Noisextra) the “noise” podcast hosted by Greh Holger of Chondritic Sound and Tara Connelly and Mike Connelly (Clay Rendering, Hair Police, marriage,…